Unexpected Preterm Labor
Pregnancy is often described as a beautiful blessing, but it can also be a jarring experience on many levels.
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Unexpected Preterm Labor (Part 1)
As someone who experienced unexpected preterm labor, I know firsthand how shocking it can be. In March of 2021, my husband and I had planned to celebrate our 4th anniversary at Longhorn Steakhouse after he finished work. However, shortly after he left for work, I felt discomfort in the side of my stomach. Initially, I thought it was just Braxton Hicks and proceeded with making a snack. But as the discomfort continued, I called my midwife and she urged me to come in right away. When she checked my cervix, she informed me that I was already dilated two centimeters and needed to be taken to the hospital immediately.
At 24 weeks pregnant with my second baby girl, I found myself heading to the hospital with my two-year-old toddler running around and my husband in full-on “Dwight” mode, trying to get us there as quickly and safely as possible. While waiting to be seen, I hoped that I would be sent home in time for our Longhorn dinner, but that was not the case.
Once in the hospital, I was quickly prepped for labor and delivery, monitored, and bombarded with questions by 5 different people: The RN, Doctor, the Billing and Coding Specialist, and the diagnostic medical sonographer (ultrasound tech). As I was dealing with all of this, the medical team determined that I needed an emergency C-section because I had already progressed to five centimeters. This was particularly difficult for me since I had been hoping for a vaginal birth to avoid another surgery like I had with my first child.
As I lay on the surgery table for what seemed like an eternity, my thoughts were racing at lightning speed. It felt like my mind was going a thousand miles a minute as I anxiously awaited news of my baby’s arrival. Finally, the moment arrived and I was informed that my precious little one had made it safely into the world. I was overjoyed and eager to hold her in my arms, but my excitement quickly turned to confusion and heartbreak as I realized I wouldn’t be able to see her or hear her cry. No one had prepared me for this, and the overwhelming emotions only continued to intensify as I grappled with the reality that I wouldn’t be able to kiss, cuddle, or bond with my new baby in the way that I had always imagined.
The experience of going through preterm labor taught me a lot, but the most important lesson I learned is to anticipate the unexpected when creating a birth plan. I was so fixed on what I wanted that I didn’t factor in the possibility of unforeseen circumstances. It’s crucial to have contingencies in place.
Up next, we’ll be discussing the NICU experience during the postpartum period.
KNOW THIS: To all the mothers out there facing unexpected preterm labor or similar challenges, I want you to know that you are strong and capable. Take a deep breath and step into a place of grace as you navigate this difficult experience. While it may be hard to accept this advice in the midst of it all, remember this: educate yourself as much as possible about what is happening, take care of yourself by eating and sleeping well, and know that this too shall pass.