Grace for the crying days: Motherhoood, patience & endurance
Patience & Endurance
Today, I had to step out in some nasty, cold, rainy weather. With me were my teething six-month-old, who was in full discomfort, my two-year-old, who was desperately hungry after his nap (we all know how that goes), and my five-year-old, who was determined to jump in every puddle she could find.
I could see my baby’s first tooth just beginning to push through his gums, and I could feel his frustration. He was aggravated, in pain, and letting it be known. I usually don’t drive while my little ones are crying—it’s just not my thing. My husband and I have four kids, and he’s the one who usually takes the wheel while I handle things in the back. But today, I had to endure. And that’s okay because, as a mother, endurance is part of my portion.
He fussed at our destination, fussed when we left, and fussed all the way home—until I got him in his favorite position and nursed him. And honestly, who could blame him? He was in pain, tired, and just over it.
It’s moments like these that make you want to throw your hands up and say, “This is the last child we’re having!” But let’s be real—that’s just emotions talking. The crying, the screaming (which, to be fair, they had good reasons for), and the dreary weather could have made frustration my first response. But I had to remind myself: temporary emotions don’t deserve permanent reactions and to be honest, being APPROVED in the sight of God keeps me on the right path during such moments.
I also keep telling myself—this is just a phase. Every parent goes through it, especially with little ones under two. By the time they hit three, they start to get the picture—well, enough to understand a little, at least. But whether you're on top of the mountain or deep in the valley, whether you walk by faith or feel lost in the moment, if you have an infant or toddler, you will deal with fussiness, beginnig tantrums until tained, skipped naps, and the unpredictable nature of their little emotions. But it’s okay. It’s really not that bad. In fact, it’s not bad at all. Because the hugs, kisses, and sheer cuteness of these babies? They erase these moments.
I can’t speak for the preteen or teenage years—I’m not there yet. But what I do know is that one day, we’ll miss these snotty-nosed moments. The days when they cry their eyes out over things they can’t have. The way they need us so much right now. So instead of giving in to frustration, step back and recognize the wealth right in front of you. Step into the peace and walk in the grace God has already given you to handle your children.
Water Your Seed with the Right Spirit
It’s so important to water them with the right kind of love and patience. Our children can sense everything—our joy, our sadness, our peace, and our frustration. And it’s not just the sleepless nights and crying moments that can push us toward impatience. Life itself—work, family, relationships—can all tempt us to react from a place of frustration. But we have to be mindful, because what we plant through our actions doesn’t just affect us—it affects our spiritual walk, our children, our husbands, our destiny… me, I know what I am ytalking about.
When you look at the big picture, you’ll see that the small moments that try to steal your patience are not worth your eternal destiny. “Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galatians 6:9
I’m speaking from experience—shoutout to God for covering me enough to learn this lesson! Hallelujah!!!
This message is for everyone, but I especially want to encourage:
The mothers carrying their bundle of joy (here’s the testimony link: )
The breastfeeding mamas (read the "Curse Cross-Contamination" blog )—because what we carry in our spirit matters, even while we feed our babies.
Let’s Keep the Journey Beautiful
Mamas, let’s not make a beautiful journey more complicated than it has to be. It’s unpredictable, yes, but it’s also full of grace.
I’d love to hear from you—what helps you stay patient and endure in tough moments? Let’s encourage each other in the comments below!!