The Beauty of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom (SAHM)

Being a stay-at-home mom is one of the most rewarding yet challenging journeys a mother can take. If you're in this season, I want to encourage you today.

Hey Mama! I pray your day is as beautiful as God’s glory over our lives!

Let’s take a moment to talk about being a Stay-at-Home Mom (SAHM). I have been a SAHM since 2019, the year I had my first baby, Genesis. At that time, my husband was the one going out to provide for our household, while I was home recovering from a C-section—without a trustworthy support system. On top of that, I was strictly breastfeeding my baby, and by God’s grace, I nursed her for two years.

Fast forward to 2025, and I am still home, now with our fourth child. None of my babies ever took a bottle or a pacifier. The moment I saw them gag when I tried to introduce it, I just couldn’t bring myself to force it. It was clear that it wasn’t their portion. So, for each of my four babies, I exclusively breastfed them for up to two years. And let me tell you, while it wasn’t always easy, it was a beautiful and precious gift.

But here’s something I want you to know—I am also a work-from-home stay-at-home mom. Yes, you can be both! I’ve been able to take care of my children while also learning new skills, taking online classes, and even starting my own business. You can do the same! Whether it’s creative pursuit, freelance work, or launching a passion project, there are opportunities to contribute financially while being fully present for your babies. God’s grace is sufficient for you in this season, and if He has called you to it, He will equip you for it!

There are so many blessings that come with being a SAHM, and I have been able to experience them firsthand:

  • Exclusive Breastfeeding & Bonding – The ability to nourish and connect with my babies in such an intimate way.

  • Homeschooling & Early Learning – Teaching my toddlers at home, ensuring they could speak clearly and were potty-trained before transitioning to school.

  • Learning New Skills – I had the time to develop new skills and grow personally.

  • Going Back to School – I was able to take online classes and further my education.

  • Creating a Safe Atmosphere – I controlled my children’s environment, ensuring they weren’t exposed to things my husband and I weren’t ready for them to experience.

  • Avoiding Unnecessary Childcare – I had the peace of knowing my babies were never in the care of strangers or even family members I didn’t fully trust.

  • Starting a God-Given Business – I turned my experiences into purpose and built a business to help other moms.

  • Exploring and Making Memories – Staying at home doesn’t mean staying in the house all day! If anything, I was able to explore outings, enjoy library dates, and take my little ones on many field trips.

And so much more! I have truly been blessed.

But let’s be real—while the blessings are abundant, the journey isn’t always easy.

Some days are stormy, and it can be frustrating. Sometimes, you just want to drop everything, step outside, take a deep breath, and try again. And that’s okay!

It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed at times. But when you keep God first, stay in peace, and step into grace, you’ll start to see the beauty in it all. You’ll realize that, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not so bad—at all. In fact, it’s far better than placing your baby in the hands of a stranger (even a "perfect" one) or leaving them with people, even family, that you do not trust.

So, if you’re a SAHM, and you ever feel like you’re missing out on something, let me remind you: You are not missing out.

If you are in right standing with God and He has called you to be home with your child for this season, you are exactly where you need to be. Not every mother has this opportunity, and many wish they did. So, embrace it, cherish every moment, and thrive in the grace God has given you. Because one day, when your children leave the nest, they will carry these memories in their hearts forever.

You got this, Mama!

"And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." – Galatians 6:9

Are you a SAHM? What has been the biggest blessing (or challenge) for you in this season? Let’s encourage one another in the comments!


Grace for the crying days: Motherhoood, patience & endurance


screams to dreams