screams to dreams

Embrace the Roller Coaster of Parenting: Thrills, Twists, and Heartwarming Moments Filled with Grace!

Hey Mamas!! Let me tell you what happened! My two-year-old, Promise, decided that he wanted to scream, and my goodness, does he have a LOUD scream! His scream is so high-pitched that I wouldn’t be surprised if he could break a glass with it. Anyway, he started screaming because he was sleepy, and instead of just closing his eyes, he did the “sleep scream” while I was trying to put his 2-month-old baby brother, Gabriel, to sleep. His scream startled Gabriel, and soon Gabriel joined in with his own cries, which escalated into a full-blown scream. I just sat there, looking at both of them, thinking to myself, “I know you’re lying!” (LOL).

In these moments, you might feel like putting them on the porch and just going to bed (not literally—it's a joke!). I love my beautiful boys; they are my babies, so I couldn’t get mad. I wasn’t stressed; I was just taking it all in, realizing this is my life now. I chose to step into grace and get the job done, knowing a moment of giggles usually follows the chaos. It’s all part of the parenting package. Besides, one day I’m going to miss this craziness, because eventually, they’ll be off living their own lives, dealing with their own little ones screaming.

So, you see, we all know the scene: you’re juggling a toddler’s tantrum and an infant’s cries, both demanding your attention at the same time. It can feel like an overwhelming whirlwind of noise and chaos, and in those moments, it’s easy to get lost in frustration. But amidst the screams, there are dreams waiting to be cherished.

The Reality of “Two Under Three”

Navigating life with two little ones can be challenging. Your toddler might be screaming for the freedom to run and play just as your baby needs a diaper change or a feeding. The clash of demands can make you feel stretched thin, and you might find yourself wishing for a moment of peace. But this phase is temporary. Remember, God does not give us anything we cannot bear (1 Corinthians 10:13), so as I always say, step into grace and go in peace.

Finding Calm in the Storm

When chaos reigns, take a deep breath. Pray if you have to, put on some music to help change the atmosphere, but whatever you do, don’t give in to your emotions or your flesh. Ground yourself in the knowledge that these moments, as frustrating as they may seem, are fleeting. Try to pause and find the silver lining in the noise. Your toddler's fierce desire to explore is a sign of their growth and curiosity, while your infant's cries remind you of the preciousness of their early days. As Scripture says in Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Cherishing the Little Moments

As we navigate through the screams, it’s essential to carve out space for the dreams. Find joy in the little things: the giggles that follow a game of peek-a-boo, the quiet snuggles after a long day, or the sheer delight in your toddler's imagination as they play. These moments will become the fabric of your memories.

The Bittersweet Nature of Parenting

One day, your children will grow up and leave the nest, and those chaotic days will become cherished memories. You may find yourself reminiscing about the times when they screamed for attention or ran around the house in delight. Embrace the chaos now, because it’s a beautiful part of your journey as a mom. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

Creating a Balance

To navigate this stage, establish small routines that can help create a sense of calm amid the chaos. Designate special playtimes for your toddler where they can let loose, allowing your infant to nap or play nearby. And don’t hesitate to lean on your support network—friends, family, or fellow moms—who can relate to the joys and struggles of parenting young children.

Conclusion: From Screams to Dreams

At the end of the day, remind yourself that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, just dont stay there! Shake it off and go forward in Grace. You’re doing an incredible job, and every scream will eventually lead to a sweet dream. Embrace the journey, cherish the fleeting moments, and hold onto the knowledge that you are nurturing not just your children, but also beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. Remember, God is with us all!!

So, next time the house erupts in chaos, take a moment to breathe, smile, and know that one day you’ll look back on these times with love and laughter. Enjoy the ride—from screams to dreams!


The Beauty of Being a Stay-at-Home Mom (SAHM)


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